I RELEASE MY CRY IN FAVOUR OF LIFE! PASTORA TÂNIA TEREZA [Music] many years ago a doctor who was a champion of abortion he used to say in the medical environment to all his clients there was.


No sensitive life in the womb it was just a lump of meat without any responsiveness but the ultrasound was invented and with the Advent of the device he chose to use an ultrasound.

While performing an abortion and that was appalling the child was contorting trying to flee from that canula inserted to suck that child responding in.

Fright and that was so impacting in that doctor's life that he came about with a movie a movie that is on YouTube it's not the prime quality low technical quality.

But the content is Supernatural I invite you to visit the Silent Scream is the title of that movie and why so it was as if that child inside that womb was crying out for help and no one could.

Hear that child the doctor couldn't hear that the mom couldn't hear the nurses were deaf to that cry and that child was cast into a bin inside Clinic dismantled by that canula that.

Was built for that and I want to release a cry today and this is not a Silent Scream and I want this Cry of mine to Echo throughout the nation throughout the.

World that this cry out might reach distant countries and go beyond beond the four continents I want this cry out to Echo throughout the world championing for these.

Harmless helpless children this is a cry of innocent children generated by God for an eternal purpose to come into this world to be fathers mothers doctors Engineers.

Teachers whatever they may be but they don't have the right to be born because women have taken on over themselves the right to exterminate their own.

Children and this is a Silent Scream they are crying out allow me to be born now what is the argument for an abortion well you have the right to your own body you have the right to choose if you want.

To generate life or to kill it to abort it you have the right to choose if you continue with your career or if you will raise a child you have the right to raise the standard of feminism or.


    Freedom but I want to tell you you who

    Make that choice the fundamental right is the right to life this is the premise of law the fundamental right is the right to live well the fundamental right.

    Is the right to be born if you don't have this right you don't have any other right you don't have the right to a name to a body protection you don't have the right to regulate the right and you.

    Don't have the right to claim a right you only have a right if you're born when you start with the pseudo right to defend your own rights eliminating the fundamental right of.

    Another one because it's another one's life it's another human being inside of you it can even be a woman a woman that you would be eliminating claiming the right to a woman you're eliminating.

    The fundamental right which is the right to life you're doing an atrocity God has placed a child in your womb so that they might have children they might have grandchildren great-grandchildren and.

    Seeing Humanity grow expand today we are eight billion strong on this Earth every one of us born of a womb because a woman received the blessing of life and they brought about.

    Life and you're eliminating someone in your womb with that lame excuse of having the right to your body this is an absurdity it doesn't hold any water I want to cry out to you you who Champion.

    Abortion I want to cry out to you Physicians I want this cry out to reach abortion clinics hospitals every place where students are studying Medical Practice I want this to Echo to reach.

    The medical hypocrisy Physicians say that up to the first trimester there are no systems built yet and there's no life yet and therefore they can condemn that fetus to death so up to the.

    First trimester that fetus is not

    Recognized as life but maybe the same professionals are now working in inro fertilization and now they're creating life and they sell life at very high.

    Ticket and they sell it so what they basically do is connect an ovam with a sperm that's all they do they simply connect the ovam and the sperm collecting the OV from the womb and the.

    Woman and inside a lab they connect one with another and the semen is used and when the sperm connects with the ovam life starts and that embryo is placed in the.

    Womb of that woman it's now an embryo it will start multiplying it cells and they charge a very high price they know they're developing life and lab and from the moment the oven meets the sperm Life.

    Starts that's day one it's the exact moment in when in which these two cells gites male and female gametes ovam and sperm that's day one that is when the height of that human being will have.

    What will be the hair like will it be wavy will it be straight skin and all other traits eye colors pension for food number of taste buds everything there the essence of.

    That being is there when both GES meet and then a new being starts and this being starts in that very moment it's not in 15 days 15 hours 3 months that very moment that being has.

    Its beginning of his or her life with all the genetic design there inbuilt everything God has planned for that person.

    Is there God sends people to the Earth with a purpose they don't have a purpose because they are born they are born because they have a purpose John is sent John the Baptist is sent by God to.

    Assist Jesus Jeremiah is sent to be a prophet unto the Nations David to be the king of Israel Samson to deliver Israel from the hands of the Philistines you have a purpose before you are placed in.

    The womb of your mother David tells us in Psalm 139 before I was formed God had already known all my days before I came out of my mother's womb the Lord knew all my.

    Days God was entwining my bones in my mother's wound God sends you with a purpose to this earth when you eliminate a child from a womb you eliminate Generations.

    You eliminate God's purposes say well if my mom had aborted me my two kids wouldn't have been born my seven grandchildren two great-grandchildren I wouldn't be here creating this video to.

    Help you eliminate this heinous crime which is the killing of babies in the womb I wouldn't be here trying to change and inform medical doctors I wouldn't have had 54 million people who have.

    Watched my videos the purpose of God for my life would not have fulfilled God has called me to talk about deliverance and healing and this is exactly what I do it's my purpose had my mom aborted me.

    All of this would have gone down the drain well sometimes Physicians say well if in the case of rape the law allows that but you cannot apply the law to justify sins the law says Thou shalt not.

    Kill Thou shalt not murder well murdering is exactly that eliminating a child in a womb because it's the outcome of a rape who is the criminal well the rapist not the child the rapist needs to.

    Be charged and not the child needs to deal with the consequences well we should not use the law to kill a child oh it's it's a girl yet she's.

    Pregnant PR who got pregnant okay so are you going to choose one of two children to kill you don't want to kill the eldest so you're going to kill the youngest you don't need to kill any one.

    Of those children every single case in this country in which there was a debate if a pre te could or not abort her child well no one discusses that both could have been maintained.

    Both lives could have been kept I have a cousin who born pre- term 6 months his mom placed him under a lamp heated and he survived if God wants everyone survives there's.

    No justification to kill both mom and child well rape is a cause of putting the rapists Behind Bars that's it judges I urge you stop authorizing the killing of innocent people you cannot allow for.

    The killing of innocent because simply because there's a law that allows you to do that our Federal Constitution gives you religious freedom and the God I serve that you might know and you and if.

    You don't run get to know God this God of ours says Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not murder you judges Physicians you have made an oath you took the hypocritic oath go read it you made.

    Commitment to Champion life you took the commitment of never giving an abortive substance it's there in the hypocritic oath I'm well aware of that the world is heading towards chaos where there is no.

    Purpose for life human beings have lost their value those who profess being politically correct they are struggling and fighting for the blue whale the turto if you step on a turtle eggs.

    You're sent to jail but they do not Champion for the life of the human being that is inside another human being please let's stop with the.

    Hypocrisy politically correct that's nonsensical we need to be biblically correct we need to be a righteous person we need to be aligned with God's plans it doesn't matter what stage in the.

    Modernity Society is in modern postmodern every now and so often there's a novelty in abortive practice well a new copper IUD paragard you can check that on the internet and the.

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    CLique no Link do Vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QltWMyUlnA

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